Our Email Contacts
President - Jane Wallace
Email - president@cordovabayfastball.ca
Vice President - VACANT
Email - vp@cordovabayfastball.ca
Past President - Doug Caul
Email - pastpresident@cordovabayfastball.ca
Schedules - Jane Wallace
Email - schedules@cordovabayfastball.ca
Registrar - Courtney Lloyd
Email - registrar@cordovabayfastball.ca
Criminal Record Check - Courtney Lloyd
Email - crc@cordovabayfastball.ca
Umpire In Chief - Derek Brooker
Email - uic@cordovabayfastball.ca
Uniforms - Kelsey Norlund
Email - uniforms@cordovabayfastball.ca
Learn To Play - Becky Mullin
Email - ltp@cordovabayfastball.ca
Treasurer - Don Mellings
Email - treasurer@cordovabayfastball.ca
Equipment - Don Gibbs
Email - equipment@cordovabayfastball.ca
Club Secretary - Nicole Trim
Email - secretary@cordovabayfastball.ca
Webmaster - VACANT
Email - contact@cordovabayfastball.ca
Park Clean-up Day
Lochside Park
Come join us on Sunday, March 9th at 10am for our annual Park Clean Up Day! Clean out the concession, sweep out the dugouts, ...
Opening Day Ceremonies
Lochside Park
Opening Day Ceremonies! All teams will be represented at the Opening Day Ceremonies, come join your team in running the bases, ...
Steve Quan Tournament - U13C
Lochside Park
Cordova Bay Fastball is hosting the Steve Quan U13C Tournament May 2nd-4th. Come on out to the park and cheer on your local ...